• 新目標英語七年級下5單元教案新目標版七年級英語下冊教學反思

    更新時間:2023-11-01    來源:教學反思    手機版     字體:








    Go For It---Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?

    Period 4---Section B (3a---4)



    任教班級:長樂二中初一( 5 )班


    一、教材:新目標英語Go for it!(七年級下) Unit 11






    a.?????? 掌握表達自己個人對事物或人看法的動詞和詞組。

    b.????? 談論自己的喜好與憎惡。

    c.?????? 詢問及回答對事物或人的看法。

    如:What do you think of XX?

    I love it /them.

    I do,too.

    What do you think of XX?

    I can’t stand it/them.

    I don’t ,either.




    通過學習談論對某些事物的喜歡與不喜歡,以此來培養(yǎng)學生學會自我評價,成為一個有個性的人。五、教學重點: 1、掌握陳述自己觀點的動詞及動詞短語(the key vocabulary) love, like, don’t/doesn’t mind, don’t/doesn’t like, can’t stand 2、學會表達喜憎,以及怎樣贊成別人的觀點。六、教學難點: (1)?? can’t stand 不能忍受/ don’t mind 不介意 (2)?? like 喜歡? / love 熱愛 (3)?? What do you think of …?=How about …你認為…...怎么樣?

    五、教學步驟: Step1: Organization Step2: Assign the task Step3: Warm-up Step4: Leading in Step5: Pre-task Step6: While-task Step7: Practice Step8:Summary Step9: homework 八、教學過程: Step1 Organization Greeting with the Ss. Step2 Assign the task Boys and girls.in this period,we are going to learn to express our opinions and? make a survey report.Before we start the task.Let’s do some warm-up training. Step3 Warm-up

    1)????? One-minute dialogue:

    2)????? Word competition:

    Step4 Leading in

    Write some words or phrases on the Bb. Such as love , like , don’t/doesn’t mind , don’t/doesn’t like, can’t stand .Use the faces to help Ss understand the meaning of the words and the phrases.Ask some Ss to come to the Blackboard and draw the faces next to the words or phrases like this:

    Love JJ

    Like J

    Don’t mind

    Don’t like L

    Can’t stand LL

    Next ask the Ss how to ask sb’s opinions.They can answer “What do you think of …?”And then use the question to make conversations with the Ss. first make conversations with the Ss,then ask them to work in pairs and make conversations with their partners.They can begin like this:

    S1:Hello,XX,what do you think of XX?

    S2:I love it /them./I don’t like it/them.

    S1:I do,too./I don’t ,either.(Attention to the plural forms of the countable nouns.)

    Step5 Pre-task

    Ask Ss to open their books and look at 3a on page 69.First give them some time to read the passage.Then let them fill in the chart on the Bb and make a survey report with them .If they finish the chart ,ask some of them to read the results of the survey.And then ask them to come to the Bb and fill in the chart.(Use the cards with the persons’ names to stick on the chart)Then teach the Ss how to make a survey report.

    Task 1:(reading)

    Addition:Everyone loves the belt.(Below is the chart)










    1、hair clip

    Ann Rice


    Gina Taylor

    Ann Rice

    3、key ring

    Jodie Smith


    Jerry Green




    William Jones




    1、What does Jodie Smith think of the key ring? (likes)

    2、What does Jordan think of the scarf?(can’t stand)

    3、What does William Jones think of the wallet?(loves)

    4、What does Gina Taylor think of the watch?(loves)

    5、What does Ann Rice think of the hair clip and the watch?(likes,doesn’t mind)

    6、What does Jerry Green think of the sunglasses?(likes)

    7、Which thing does everyone love?( the belt)

    Step6 While-task

    Task 2:

    Assign the task. And then ask the Ss to survey themselves.To show their opinions about these things below.

    For example,I am Mr Lin.I don’t mind the hair clip ,so I can fill in my name below doesn’t mind.










    1、hair clip

    Mr Lin


    3、key ring





    On page 69,3b.Ask Ss to read the passage and fill the blank using their own real situation.And let some Ss to fill the chart on page 88.

    Step 7 Practice(task 3)

    Task 3: make a survey in small group ,and let some of the Ss make a report about the results of the survey in front of the class.

    Step 8 Summary

    In this period ,we learnt to show our opinions and survey other persons’ opinions .Then report the results of the survey.

    Step 9 Homework

    Recite 3a on page 69.

    Make a survey in your family and make a chart.

    Ready for the test of this unit.



    新目標英語七年級下冊Unit 11: What do you think of game shows? ? Language goals to this unit students learn to state their opinions and talk about likes and dislikes. New language What do you think of soap operas? I dont like soap operas. What does he think of sports shows? He loves sports shows. What does she think of Maria? She likes Maria. What do they think of Tommy? They cant stand Tommy. Section A Additional materials to bring to class: a local television listing list the names of several foods on the board.For example: pizza, broccoli, ice cream, mushrooms. Next to that list, write the sentence, What do you think of ___ ? and leave a blank at the end. Ask a student the question, substituting the word pizza: What do you think of pizza? Help him or her answer / like pizza ot I dont like pizza,? Point to the other foods one by one. Ask a student the question and help him or her answer J like...or I dont like.... Then point to the sentence. What do you think of ___ ? Point to a food name on the board and choose a student to ask the question: What do you think of (mushrooms)? Then point to a student to answer. Repeat the activity several times, giving several students chances to ask and answer the question. 1 a? This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Focus attention on the five TVs. Say, Each TV shows? different kind of TV show. In TV picture a, there is a an playing baseball. This is called a sports show. Talk about the other kinds of shows and ask students what they see. Tell the name of each kind of show as you discuss the picture. Ask students to repeat the names of the shows. Write the word sitcom on the board. Under it write the words situation comedy. Say, The word sitcom comes from the two words situation comedy. A sitcom is a funny show. The people in sitcoms do or say things that make TV watchers laugh. Point out the numbered list of shows. Say each one again and ask students to repeat it. Then ask students to match each TV picture with one of the words. Say, Write the letter of each kind of show next to the correct word. Point out the sample answer. 1 b? This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Point to the smiley faces and the frowny faces and the words next to them. Read the words to the class or have a student do this. Say, These faces show you what the words mean. If you dont mind something, you dont either like it or dislike it. If you cant stand something, you dislike it very strongly. Your least favorite food is something you cant stand. If you love something, you like it very, very much. Your favorite food is something you love. Say, Now I will play a recording. Listen to what Mark says about the TV shows in la. Write the letter of the TV shows next to the words he uses. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Point to the lettered pictures. Say, Each picture has a letter. Point out the blank spaces before the words. Say, Each word or phrase has a space in front of it. Listen to the tape and write the letter of a TV show picture in each blank. Point out the sample answer. Correct the answers. 1 c? This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Point to the pictures of TV shows in activity la and ask students to say the name of each kind of show. Point out the example conversation. Ask two students to read it to the class. Then ask the class to point to the picture of the sitcom. Say a dialogue with a student. Have the student ask ou a question. Then answer it truthfully. Point to the ppropriate picture as you answer. Say, Now work with a partner. Ask and answer the qstions. Have students work in pairs. As they talk, move round the room monitoring their work. Offer anguage or pronunciation support as needed. 2a? This activity provides listening practice using the target language. Call attention to the list of five words and expressions.Point out the blank in front of each one. Ask a student to read the list to the class. Say, The people on the recording are talking about TV shows. They use these words and phrases as they talk about the shows. You will number these words and phrases 1-5 in the order you hear them on the recording. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Point out the sample answer 1 in front of the word love. Say, The first word on the recording is love in the sentence I love it. So the answer in front o/love is number 1. Play the recording again. Ask students to write a number from 1 to 5 in front of each of the words and phrases. Check the answers. 2b? This activity provides more listening practice using the target language. Point out the dialogue with blanks. Read it to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank. Say, Listen to the recording again. This time/ill in each blank with a word or phrase from the list in 2a. Play the recording. Students write words in the blanks. Check the answers. 2c? This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Call attention to the dialogue students completed in activity 2b. Say, Read the dialogue with a partner. \\ Help students find partners. Have the students practice the dialogue several times. Then say, Now talk about a TV show you both know.Tell what you like and dont like about the show and the people in it. As students work together, move around the room answering questions and offering language sup- sport as needed. Ask some pairs of students to present their dialogue!to the class. 3a This activity provides pral and writing practice using the target language. Call attention to the list of TV shows and ask a student to read the names to the class. Say, In this activity you ask each other questions about TV shows. Ask students to work in pairs. Ask student A in each pair to look at the chart on page 67. Ask student B to look at the chart on page 86. Remind students not to look at their partners pages. Say the first question and answer with a student. Pretend you are student A and work with a student partner.Say What does Stuart think of Sports News? Have student B look at the answer on his or her chart on page 86.Student B answers, Stuart loves Sports News. Show students that you are writing in the word loves after Stuarts name on the chart on page 67. Then say to your partner, Ask me about Stuart Student B asks, What does Stuart think of Sports News? You answer, Stuart likes Sports News. Have the student write the word likes after Stuarts name on the chart on page 86. Ask the pairs to continue on their own. Move around the room monitoring the progress of the pairs. Go over the answers. 3b This activity provides guided reading practice using the target language. Read the dialogue with a student. Every time one of you conies to a blank, say blank. Call attention to the chart students completed in activity 3a. Say, Use the words in this chart to fill in the blanks in the dialogue in activity 3b. 4? This activity provides listening, speaking, and writing practice using the target language. Read the instructions to the class. Then ask students to name some TV shows they know about. Write the list on the board. Try to include some that students like and some they dont like. Point out the dialogue in the speech bubbles. Have two students read it to the class. Then point out the sample answer in the chart. Say,This TV show is called Tell it like it is! I love it, and Lin Peng does, too. I write I love it under What I think and I write Lin Peng under Student who agrees with me. Say, Now go around the class. Ask students about TV shows you know. Find students who agree with you. After five minutes ask students to sit down. Then ask some students to read the information from their charts to the class. Ask students to make statements such as I dont like The Crime Files. Carlos doesnt like The Crime Files, too. Alternative: If you do not want st










    重點掌握祈使語氣的用法,包括表示允許的Can及其當情態(tài)動詞用的have to do;以及各種可以用在表述規(guī)章制度的動詞和句型。難點在于情態(tài)動詞的用法,以及祈使句與它的應答。






    *---Don"t run in the hallways.

    ---Sorry,Ms Mendoza.

    *Don"t watch TV after school.

    *Don"t go out on school nights.


    *Don"t talk loudly.

    *Do your homework after school!

    *Practice your guitar every day.


    2.Can for permission,such as:We can do….

    We can"t do….

    Can we do…?

    *---What are the rules?

    ---Well,we can"t arrive late for class.

    *---Can we listen to music,Alex?

    ---We can"t listen to music in the hallways,

    but we can listen to it outside.


    *---Can we eat in the classroom?

    ---No,we can"t.

    *---Can students wear hats in school?

    ---Yes,they can.






    4.利用本單元所學祈使語氣的用法,包括表示允許的"Can及其當情態(tài)動詞用的have to do,根據(jù)常識或觀察,為圖書館、生化實驗室、語音室、機房、健身房、游泳館等公共場所制定規(guī)章制度或使用規(guī)則。



    Task One:

    Talk about school rules to“feel”Imperatives Goal:Get to know about the structure to express rules Step 1:Talk about the school rules they know/remember Step 2:Look at the picture and read the rules in Section AC 1a,telling the difference between yours Step 3:Add more rules to your school,which you think necessary Task Two:

    Listen and find out what Ss can do and what they cannot Goal:Try to understand the rules by listening Step 1:Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what students can do and what they cannot do Step 2:Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what Alex and Christina can do and what they cannot do→Section A(2a/b)

    Step 3:Listen to conversations about the activities and find out what rules students break

    →Section A(1b)

    Step 4:Listen to the different rules that different people have to follow→Section B(2a/b)

    Task Three:

    Learn to read the signs for rules Goal:Learn about the rules by reading the signs Step 1:Learn about the rules by reading the pictures→Section B1 Step 2:Learn about the rules by reading the signs→Section B(3 b)

    Step 3:Talk about the similarities or the differences about the signs between China and abroad Task Four:

    Write rules for libraries,labs,computer-rooms,and swimming pools etc.

    Goal:Learn to take care of public things Step 1:

    Read the letter→Section B(3 a)

    Find the rules in the letter Write them down Step 2:

    Talk in pairs about the rules for public places,such as libraries,labs,computer-rooms,swimming pools,etc.

    Discuss in groups about the rules for these public places Write down what have been talked about/discussed











    重慶市110中學 曹 毅



    本單元是九年制義務課程標準實驗教科書《新目標英語》七年級下冊中第七單元,本單元的核心話題是談論人的外表形象(image),因此‘talking about sb’s image’是教學重點。通過對本單元的學習,學生能掌握本單元出現(xiàn)的表示人外觀的詞組及句型。


    1. 詞匯:

    名詞:hair, height,build,captain,team,bit,joke,person,heard,grasses,mustache,image,winner etc.

    形容詞:short,curly,straight,high,thin, heavy,etc

    2.短語:look like, good一looking,a little bit,etc

    3. 句型:What does he/she look like? --He/She is tall.

    What do you look like? --I’m thin.

    4. 語法:What does he/she look like? --He/She is tall.

    What do you look like? --I’m thin.


    1. Master the vocabulary.

    2. Master and use:---What does he/she look like?

    ---He/She is tall.

    ---What do you look like?

    -I’m thin.


    重點 難點

    1. The vocabulary.

    2. --What does he/she look like?

    He/She is tall.

    --What do you look like?

    --I’m thin. Use the language to talk about sb’s image.


    學生在七年級上冊已經(jīng)學過關(guān)于“What does he like?”這一特殊疑問句式,具有了學習本單元知識的認知前提,能自然地與本單元話題進行銜接。談論人的外表形象是人們?nèi)粘I钪杏龅降脑掝}。故學生喜于用英語表達此類知識。





    Section A(一)1課時

    Section A(二)1課時

    Section B(一)1課時

    Section B (二) 1課時

    Section A(一)


    Section A 中1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b. 3 Grammar focus



    1. Match the vocabulary:like,look like,short,hair, curly,straight, height,thin,heavy,build

    2. Master and use:-- What does he/she look like?

    --He/She is tall.

    --What do you look like?

    -I’m thin.


    學生在以前已學過What引導的特殊疑問句式,已具備了學習本課的初步知識,能自然的與本課知識相銜接。通過例子“I am thin; What do you look like“引人創(chuàng)設情景,讓學生有如身臨其境,采用學生提出問題,學生回答問題,借助媒體來提高學生的主動性。





    1. The vocabulary.

    2、language:What do you look like/ What does he/she look like?


    Use the language to talk about others image.



    language: 以相互描述自己的長相特征,借助于課件及圖畫來引出What does he/she look like?.







    教學步驟、時間 教師活動 學生活動 媒體應用

    Step 1

    Organization 2" Now boys and girls,let’s sing the colors song Singing together 多媒體

    Step 2

    Free talk 4’ Ask the students to describe his/her own hair Talking in groups

    Step 3


    15’ (用班里的學生為例做下面的練習)

    1.what do you look like?

    (point to Lili standing now)

    Lili:I’m tall and good-looking.


    2.What does Tom look like?(Point to two Ss)

    3.Point to other students in pictures (short hair/curly hair/long hair/ straight hair /tall /short /medium height/thin/heavy/a medium build)


    What does your friend look like?

    She/He has/is…

    5.出示一張與課本相同的圖畫,學生完成1 a Match the words with the pictures.

    This activity introduce the vocabulary).

    (幫助學生做出正確答案.) 學生模仿練習(in Pairs)并表演

    What do you look like …?

    模仿練(in pairs)并寫在練習本上

    模仿練習(in Pairs)

    What does he look like ...?

    He is/has …

    (學生看圖互問) 課本圖p45



    6.Listen 1b.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks and find Amy’s friend? We will listen twice.The first time, just lister.

    The second time,listen and fill in the blanks.And say Amy’s friend’s unage.

    He"s really tall.And he has curly hair.

    7.Listen 2a and 26 And find the difference between is and has. 看圖模仿并表演

    Look at their books

    Listen and fill careful-


    Step 4

    Practice 6’ Pairwork

    Practice the conversation below.Then ask and introduce other person in the pictures. Ss practice the dialogue in pairs (lc/3) 多媒體


    Step 5

    Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class

    Language: What does he...look like?

    He. .. is/has... Grammar Focus. SB

    Step 6 test 4’ Self check As above

    Step 7


    (4’) If you have~good foreign friends,but your friends don’t know them.

    You want to intn3uce them to your friends as their pen friends.

    Then ask some of them to act out their dialogues.

    Step 8

    Homework Describe your good friend to your partener and make two dialogues. WB







    Unit7.What does he look like?

    1, What do you/they look like?

    I’m short/thin/…

    2,What does he/she look like?

    He/She is tall/thin/…

    Section A(二)


    Section A中3a.3b.4



    1 ,Vocabulary:captain.team.popular,blonde.good一looking.a(chǎn) little bit.joke.never. etc.

    2、Master and use:How to describe a person,。appearance by using the words and phrases above.


    To show several pictures with different persons in them and ask a student to describe one’s appearance of them.



    The vocabulary and how to use it to describe a person


    Use the language to talk about Sb" s imagine.










    教學步驟、時間 教師活動 學生活動 媒體應用

    Step 1

    organization 1’ organize Ss by showing a picture of mine taken ten years ago. Let the students guess who was it in the picture.

    Step 2

    Free talk (2’) Ask the students to describe my photo. The students talk about some changes

    Step 3


    5’ 1 .Now boys and gins,please take out your pictures(教師從中找?guī)讖堊屍渌瑢W來描述其外觀形象)

    2.(用課件展示3a部分中的Picture 1)

    Introduction:This is my good

    friend,Liu Peng.Please describe

    him with your partener.

    (板書tall, curly, brown hair,a medium build) 學生模仿練習(in


    看圖談論(in pairs)

    并表演 多媒體






    Name:Xu Qian

    Likes:telling jokes

    Appearance: short,a little heavy,


    long and black hair

    4.出示課本圖畫a, b兩部分讓他


    1) What does Ma Yan look like?

    2)What about Wang Lin"s appearance?


    blonde, good-looking,basketball

    team,straight hair.)

    5 .listen and match the descriptions

    you hear in 3a 看圖描述(in pairs)



    論回答問題 多媒體




    Step 4


    6" pairwork

    3b Practice the descriptions of people"s

    appearance.Then ask and answer

    questions about them Ss practice the dialogue in pairs

    What does Paul look

    like? 多媒體


    Step 5

    Summary 2" Words and phrases of this class

    Language:He/She is short

    Step 6 test 4’ 1. Self check 多媒體


    Step 7


    4’ If you want to introduce your classmate to another one, you’d better de scribe him or her clearly,so you must learn how to describe a person.

    step 8

    Homework Practice to describe sb’s appearance in English.


    本節(jié)課學習了captain, team, popular, blonde, good-looking, a little bit, joke及brown生詞與短語,和描述人外表特點的She/He is very tall-等句式的練習運用。通過本節(jié)課的學習,學生能熟練地用英語進行對人外貌的描述。


    Complete the following sentences:

    1,Deng Feiisa ____ (高的)boy.He is the_______the basketball______(籃球隊長)

    2.Ma Yan is_______and_______(中等個子). She is________(好看).

    3.She __________(看起來像)his mother.


    Unit7 What does she look like?

    basketball team stop talking

    good-looking --What does she look like?

    little bit --She is tall

    a medium build

    Section B(一)


    Section s中的la.16.2a.2b.2c



    1. Vocabulary:bald,beard,glasses,mustache,black hair, blonde hair. etc.

    2. Master and use:the words and phrases;to describe a person’s appearance actors and ask by using the words and phrases above.


    To collect several pictures of famous musicians or students to describe.One’s appearance of them.



    The vocabulary and how to use it to describe a person


    Use the language to talk about Sb" s imagine


    1. 對于本課的單詞短語用圖畫或肢體語言來學習掌握.

    2. 利用名人圖片對他的形象進行描述.







    教學步驟、時間 教師活動 學生活動 媒體應用

    Step 1

    Organization 1, Organize Ss by introducting themselves

    Step 2

    Free talk 2’ Ask a student to describe his or her classmate. The other students listen to him or her carefully and guess who it is

    Step 3

    Presentation 1.(以班上的同學為例來描述其外觀形象)

    Zhang Lin is short, but he is very heavy, He has handsome black hair.

    2.(用課件展示36部分中的Picture 1)

    Now boys and girls,watch the screen, please.

    (板書1.bald;2.beard;3.glasses;4.black hair;5.blonde hair 6.mustache)


    4 .to show some pictures of famous

    musicians or actors

    1)Xian Xing 一 hai has black hair.

    2)Beethoven has a mustache


    5.學生拿出自己搜集的圖片讓學生利用下列詞語,板書:beard, glasses, blonde hair, bald對著名音樂家或演員進行形象描述。 學生模仿練習(認Pam)并表演。

    看圖談論(in pairs)對應連線。

    跟讀兩邊后拼讀。看圖描述(in pairs)并表演。


    Carl Nielsen Has a beard. 多媒體







    Step 4


    6’ pairwork

    Let the students practise the descriptions of his or her favourite musician,actor and athlete. Ss describe with each

    other in their groups

    Step 5


    2’ Words and phrases of this class

    Language:Jackie Chen has black hair.

    Step 6

    "rest … Watch the screen and doing 多媒體


    Step 7


    (4") Most of us know some famous musicians or actors,we can describe them using the knowledge we learned in this period.

    Step 8

    Homework Pratice to describe one of the famous musicians or actors you know in English and write it out.


    本節(jié)課主要學習了bald, beard, glasses, mustache,短語,然后重點是運用以上所學內(nèi)容描述著名音樂家及演員的外表特征。通過本節(jié)課的學習,學生能熟練的用英語進行對人外表特點的描述。



    1.My brother David isn’t tall.He is _______.

    2,Jonny has curly hair. But his mother has _______hair.

    3.Sam is a heavy man. Tom is a ______ man.


    Unit7.What does she look like?

    1.Mozart has a mustache 2.Peisi Chen is bald

    3.Novaes wears glasses 4.Strass has a beard

    5.Dean has long curly hair 6. Melissa Barnes has long blonde hair

    Section B(二)


    第四課時 Section B中3a. 3b. 3c. 4以及SelfCheck 3



    1、Match the vocabulary: image,remember,new Seattle,winner,award,etc.

    2、Master and use:Using the following to describe other’s image.

    --What does he/she look like?

    -- He/She is tall.

    -- What do you look like?

    --I’m thin.







    1 , the vocabulary

    2、Read 3a and 36,then fill in the blanks.


    Use the language to write your favourite actor or musician.


    1. 對于本課的單詞、短語通過前幾課時學過的單詞來引出;

    2. 閱讀由老師做個別指導與解釋,為寫作做準備。








    教學步驟、時間 教師活動 學生活動 媒體應用

    Step 1


    2’ Organize Ss by describing other’s image. Ask and answer. 多媒體

    Step 2

    Free talk 4’ Ask the student who is on duty? Say out to class.

    Step 3


    Presentation 1. Organize Ss by describing other’s image.

    What does 1i Ping look like?

    He"s.../He has...

    2. Ask students to read the magazine article individually.(Move around the room)

    answering any questions students may have.)

    3. Read the magazing article to the class.And find the difference between the two pictures of Johnny Dean.

    4. Point to the blanks in the chart.Describe Johnny before and now. point out the simple answer.

    5. "Ibis article provides guided writing practice using the target language, point out the numbered blanks in the paragraph. Doing this exercises by pointing Ss in the class. 3a







    寫作Describe your favorite actor or musician.


    Unit 7. What does he look like?

    Pictures Describe sb’s image.


    本單元的核心話題是談論人的外表形象(image),‘talking about sb’s image’是教學重點,同時也是教學難點。通過對本單元的學習,學生能掌握本單元出現(xiàn)的表示人外觀的詞組及句型,并能運用這些詞組及句型描述別人的外表,進而描述自己喜歡的美術(shù)家和音樂家(Use the language to write your favourite actor or musician)。





    No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing By Cao Yi

    Teaching Goal:

    1. General aims:

    Talk about jobs.

    2. Particular aims:

    A. Language Focus.

    Talk about jobs and the place where people work.

    B. Language goals

    (1). What do you do? I’m a reporter.

    (2). What does she want to be? She wants to be a sales assistant.

    C. Language structures:

    (1). What do you do? I am a teacher.

    (2). What does he want to do? He wants to be an officer.

    (3). Does your father work? Yes, he does.

    (4). What does your mother do?

    D. Useful words and phrases:

    Words: assistant, sales assistant, doctor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, star, thief, nurse, money, station, magazine, dinner, dangerous, afraid, late

    Phrases: get … from, work for, work hard, call at, school play, evening newspaper, be afraid of

    E. Grammar language:

    Special questions

    F. Learning strategies:

    Learn other’s job

    G. Interdiscipinary:

    Social and communication.

    H. Emotion and manner:

    Teaching time: 6 periods

    Teaching procedures:

    Period One (pp19-20)


    1. Match the vocabulary: sales assistant. Doctor. Actor. Reporter. Police. Officer. Waiter. Bank clerk. student

    2. Master and use: What do you do? What does he do? Does he work in hospital?



    1. The vocabulary

    2. language: What does she do? She is a doctor.

    難點Use the language to ask for the jobs

    教學步驟、時間 教師活動 學生活動 媒體運用

    Step 1

    Organization 1’ Organize students to prepare for the class


    Ree talk 2’ Talk about the weather and weeks. The student talk about something.

    Step 3


    15’ 1. Ask students to look at the picture and remember what they can see

    2. Find four groups to say the words that they remember. (教師板書,學生說出)

    3. Talk about the picture then make a dialogue.

    Such as: What is this? It’s a store. What can you see? I can see a sweater. What color is t? It’s green. How much is it? It’s 50 dollars

    4. Ask students: What is your father? He is a worker. (Tell them another way of saying:

    What does your father do?板書)出示一張人物以及職業(yè)的圖片,問學生:

    Is he a worker? No, he isn’t. What is he? He is a doctor. 或問:What does he do?


    Such as: A: What does he do?

    B: He is a reporter.

    5. Listen to the tape: 1b. 2a. ab.

    Listen and number the people (1-3) in the picture above. Listen carefully three times. Point out the picture in activity 2a. Ask who each person is, say, Now work with your partner. Ask and answer questions about the pictures.

    Ask ss to close their books and write down the words about the things.

    Ask ss to act out in pairs or groups.

    Call more students to practice more.

    Ask ss about jobs in pairs or groups.





    Step 4

    Practice 6’ Now, practice the things we have learned.

    They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

    I am a student.

    What does your father do?

    He is a farmer. 給學生們一定的時間,讓他們充分練習。學生小組討論和練習。讓大部分的同學都能有機會來表演。


    Step 5

    Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class.

    Language: What does he do? What does he want to be? He is a worker. He wants to be a sales assistant. 以提問的形式來進行復習總結(jié),在讓學生有一個鞏固的機會。

    Step 6 text 4’ 1、Self check 讓學生作后再講解答案。 多媒體放映

    Step 7 Consolidation 4’ In this class, we have learned the sentence:

    What do you do? What does he do?

    What does he want to be?

    Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to the usage of “want” or “wants” 大屏幕顯示

    Step 8

    Homework(1’) Practice The dialogue according to the picture on Page 1. 讓學生寫出五個詢問對方職業(yè)的句子。

    Period Two (p21)

    教學步驟、時間 教師活動 學生活動 媒體運用

    Step 1

    Organization Organize students to prepare for the class

    Step 2

    Free talk 2’ Talk about the family and the jobs, Such as; My father is a worker, And He works in a hospital The student talk freely

    Step 3

    Presentation 3’

    1. Ask students to make some sentences with these words; waiter. Bank clerk. Reporter. Nurse. Police officer.

    2. Look at the picture and match the jobs with the people in the pictures. Such as; I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count it for other people match the bank clerk.

    3. Let the students practice more and more.

    4. They make a conversation to proc-tise the drills.

    For example: What do you do?

    I help doctors and patients. Some people call us “angels in white”, Can you guess what I do?

    5. Pairwork: Practise the conversation on the right. Use the jobs and places in activity 3a.

    Where does your sister work? She works at a hospital.

    What does your sister work? She works at a hospital.

    What does she do? She’s a doctor.

    6. Game: Guess the game!

    Draw a picture of someone at work.

    Can your classmates guess the job?

    Just like: Is he a police officer?

    No, he isn’t? Is he a waiter?

    Yes, he is 1. 叫學生口頭造句,用一些有關(guān)職業(yè)的句子。爭取大部分的同學都有回答的機會,多次重復加大練習。

    2. 教師邊讓學生讀句子邊解釋這些句子的意思。

    3. 教師邊讓學生讀句子,做到熟練掌握。

    4. 采用游戲的形式,讓盡可能多同學參與。







    Step 4

    Practice(6’) Now, practice the things we have learned.

    They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

    Where does he work?

    He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

    Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.

    No, he isn’t 給學生一定的時間,讓他們充分練習。學生小組討論和練習。讓大部分的同學都能有機會來表演 多媒體放映

    Step 5

    Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class

    Language: What does he do? What does he want to be? He is a worker.

    He wants to be a sales assistant.

    Where does he work?

    He words in a hospital.

    Is she a nurse? Yes, she is. 以提問的形式來進行總結(jié),在讓學生有一個鞏固的機會

    Step 6

    Test 4’ 1、Self check(見后面) 讓學生作后在講解答案 多媒體放映

    Step 7

    Consolidation 4’ In this class, we have learned the sentence:

    Where does he work? He works in a factory.

    A bank clerk: I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count it for other people.

    Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to the usage of “want” or “wants” 大屏幕顯示

    Step 8

    Homework Pratice the dialogue according to the picture on Page 25. 讓學生寫出五個句子,分別詢問職業(yè)和工作地點

    Period Three (pp22-23)

    教學步驟、時間 教師活動 學生活動 媒體應用

    Step 1

    Oranization1’ Organize students to prepare for the class

    Step 2

    Free talk 2’ Oral practice: Games, words that describe jobs, such as exciting, dangerous, boring The students talk about freely

    Step 3

    Presentation 8’ 1. Let students look at the picture and guess the jobs. The teacher describes the jobs and let students guess what. Ask job does the person have? Where does the person work?

    2. Then use explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. For example, Exciting means very interesting and very fast-moving.

    A police officer has an exciting job.

    3. Let students practice. Such as: He is a police officer. It’s an exciting job.

    4. Listen to the conversation. What jobs do Betty, Jenny, and Sam want? Then write the jobs below.

    5. Listen again. Why are Betty, Jenny, and Sam interested in these jobs? Complete the chart above.

    6. Listen to the tape: Listen and number the picture(1-3) below.

    Then practise the dialogue.

    7. Grammar focus: 1.叫學生口頭造句用一些有關(guān)職業(yè)的句子。爭取大部分的同學都有回答的機會,多次重復加大練習。

    2. 教師邊讓學生讀句子邊解釋這些句子的意思。

    3. 叫學生口頭練習一些有關(guān)這方面的句子。

    4. 聽錄音,讓學生填寫表格,然后再糾正答案。

    5. 分組練習,讓學生大面積的練習。

    6. 讓學生朗讀Gammar Focus 多媒體放映





    Step 4

    Practice 6’ 7. Read the newspaper want ads. And fill in the blanks with the correct jobs.

    One: Wanted: Do you like to work late? Do you like to work hard? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is “Yes”, then we have a job for you as a …… 給學生一定的時間,讓他們充分練習。學生小組討論和練習。讓大部分的同學都有機會來表演。


    Step 5

    Summary 2’ Words and phrases of this class Language:

    本節(jié)課主要是聽錄音來完成各種對話,充分讓學生學會職業(yè)的文法以及地點的表達法。 以提問的形式來進行復習總結(jié),在讓學生有一個鞏固的機會。

    Step 6 test 4’ 1、Self check(見后面) 讓學生做后再講解答案 多媒體放映

    Step 7 Consolidation 4’ 在這節(jié)課例我們主要聽錄音然后回答問題,讓學生充分練習聽力,達到會聽、會說然后在自己編對話來練習。 大屏幕顯示

    Step 8

    Homework Read the newspaper more and more. 讓學生朗讀3A部分的內(nèi)容。

    Period Four (P24)

    教學步驟、時間 教師活動 學生活動 媒體應用

    Step 1

    Organization 1’ Organize students to prepare for the class

    Step 2

    Free talk 2’ Oral composition: My parents.

    Such as: I have a very happy family.

    My father is a worker. He works in a factory. My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. 學生口頭作文,讓他們把學到的知識系統(tǒng)地用到自己的作文中來。練習關(guān)于職業(yè)以及工作地點的表達。

    Step 3


    1. Let the students hurry to read the words they can’t remember.

    2. Then the teacher guid the students to go over the words. See how the students have grasped.

    3. Ask students to write five new words in their Vocab-builder.

    4. Practise: I magine you want one of the jobs at BFS. Write and explain why your are good person for the job.

    They don’t have to use real information about themselves-they can imagine that they have the skills needed to do one of the jobs. Remind them that they have to show why they are good for the job.

    5. Go over the whole unit, first the words and useful expressions.

    Then go over the frills: What do you do? What does he do?

    Where does he work? He works in a factory. 1. 學生自測,看看他們急得如何。

    2. 在讓學生寫五個生詞填在單詞表上。

    3. 找工作:以小組為單位討論。個人介紹推銷自己。

    4.總復習時,領(lǐng)著學生復習全部單詞,爭取讓每一個學生都能來掌握。 多媒體放映





    Step 4

    Practice 6’ Now, practice the things we have learned.

    They can talk about the jobs. Such as: What do you do?

    Where does he work?

    He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

    Is he a police officer? Yes, he is.

    No, he isn’t

    給學生一定的時間,讓他們充分練習。學生小組討論和練習。讓大部分的同學都有機會來表演。 多媒體放映

    Step 5

    Summary 2’ Game: How to find a good job? Discuss and make a dialogue. 以提問的形式來進行復習總結(jié),在讓學生有一個鞏固的機會。

    Step 6 test 4’ 1. Self check(見后面)

    In this class, we have learned self- 多媒體放映

    Step 7


    (4’) Check, then go over the whole unit. I think most of the students have grasped them very well. 讓學生寫一篇作文。 大屏幕顯示

    Step 8

    Homework 1’ Especially the jobs and the places.

    Compostion: How to find a good job?

    Period Five

    Testing (Weekly paper and Nan’an paper)














    Unit 9 How was your weekend? No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing? By Cao Yi Teaching Goal: 1. General aims: Talk about recent past events 2. Particular aims: ? A. Language Focus. ? Talk about recent past events and think of the past events. B. Language goals How was….? It was … What did …do over the weekend? C. Language structures: (1). How was your weekend? I was great. Pay attention to no form. (2). What did you do over the weekend? I played soccer. We went to the beach. D. Useful words and phrases: ? Words: was, did, went, beach, over, project, test, wasn’t, false, number, geography, spend, week, most, mixture, their, had, little, cook, read, saw, change, everyone, sit, sat, no, anything ? Phrases: did one’s homework, played soccer, cleaned my room, went to the beach, played tennis, went to the movies, on Saturday morning, over the weekend, cook … for, what about, do some reading, have a party, talk show, go shopping E. Grammar language: ? Present simple past tense Regular and irregular verbs F. Learning strategies: ?Tour and holidays G. Interdiscipinary: ? H. Emotion and manner: ? Teaching time: 5 periods Teaching procedures: ? Period One (pp31-32) ? 教學步驟、時間 教師活動 ? 學生活動 媒體應用 Step 1 Free talk 3’ Ask some questions like: Who’s on duty today? What’s the weather like? Answer and talk about something. ? ? 讓同學們回答下列問題 1. Do you like weekend? (Let some students answer) It takes them three minutes to talk about the question. 2. Why do you like weekend? (let the students answer) Most of the students like the weekend 此時教師用漢語問: “在周末期間問你干了什么? 這句話用英語這么回答? Let the students guess. At last the teacher give them right answer 3. What did you do over the weekend?(板書、學習) 4. What did you do over the weekend? (Let sb. answer the question) I-played basketball. 5. 出示三張照片(有各種活動) 6. Match the words with the picture ? 7. Let the students listen and write carefully. First listen, then listen and write the words like “morning afternoon” or “night”等 Find some students to answer. The students talk about it in pairs. ? Students think of the sentences. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Students study and read the sentences First the students read after the teacher, the practice in pairs. 學生看圖,互相問答:What did you do? The students look at the picture on page 29 and do it. Listen and write carefully. ? ? ? 媒體展示問題 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 多媒體放映圖一、圖二、圖三(關(guān)于周末的.活動) Step 3 Practice(5’) Pairwork Role play students A ask and student B answer Then let them do it in pairs A: What did you do over the weekend, Lucy? B: I played tennis. Students do it in pairs. ? Step listen to 2a and 2b (5’) Listen and underline the words you hear, then listen again and write. Listen and underline Listen and write A \\ B \\ S carefully ? Step 5 Summary (2’) 1. Words and phrases of the class. 2. What did you do over the weekend? I played ―. Look and listen carefully ? Step 6 Test (5’) Selfcheck 1 and 2c Students do it 放映多媒體 Step 7 Consolidation Make a dialogue use “What did ―?”at least five questions. Divide the students into 7 groups. ? ? Step 8 拓展練習(3’) 1. What did you do over the Weekend? 2. What did you do over the weekday? Students answer did things in different times. 多媒體展示、總結(jié) Step 9 Homework (1’). 1. Practise the dialogue. 2. Grasp the grammar Focus. ? 多媒體放映 ? Period Two (p33) ? 教學步驟、時間 教師活動 學生活動 媒體應用 Step 1 Free talk (2’) Ask a student “Do you like weekend”? Do you like weekday? The students answer and talk. ? ? ? ? ? Step2 Presention (10’) (用班里學生為例作下列練習) 1. What did you do over the weekend? 2. First let the students draw a picture of weekend然后讓他們利用實物投影向我們說明 3. 用 “What did you do over the weekend?” 詢問幾個學生后,這著一個學生問“你的周末怎么樣?” 4. Let the students change it into English. 板書 “How was your weekend?” Then let the students practice in pairs. 5. Write number (1-3) in the blanks. 1. Draw a picture of weekend 2. Tell the class about your weekend like” I played basketball in the morning. 3. The student answers. (have a try) Guess: How was your weekend? Read and study Then do it in pairs. Ex: How was your weekend? It’s great. I played basketball. Look at the picture in 3a. and write unmbers. 實物投影 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 媒體展示 ? ? ? ? 媒體展示答案 Step 3 Game 6’ Let Ss write 3 things they did over the weekend. One is false, the others are true. 然后把學生的描述利用實物投影機投到大屏幕上。 Write 3 sentences ion their paper. Look at the screen. Let the other Ss guess which one is true/false. 實物投影 Step 4 Summary 3’ 1. words 2. Grammar: How was your weekend? I was great. / I did … Read and remember 媒體顯示 Step 5 Consolidation 10’ Divide the Ss into several groups. Every group must make up a dialogue. Use “What did you do on the weekend?”/How was your weekend? And so on. Make up a dialogue in groups and act it. ? Step 6 拓展練習5’ 1. 讓學生回憶一般過去時態(tài)。 2. 對照一般現(xiàn)在時和一般過去時,找出差異。 3. 總結(jié) “be”動詞的變化。 1. 回憶 2. 討論 3. 總結(jié) 媒體顯示 Step 7 Homework Practise the dialogue And answer some questions about the lesson. ? ? ? Period Three (pp34-35) ? 教學步驟、時間 ? 教師活動 ? 學生活動 ?媒體應用 Step 1 Free talk (2’) 1. Ask the Ss some question. 2. check some questions. Put up hands and answer. ? Step 2 Presention (10’) (問班里的學生) 1. what did you do over the weekend? 2. 昨天你做了什么?↓引出 ? What did you do yesterday? ---A played….(板書/學習) 3. Let the Ss look at the screen. ? There are four pictures on the screen. These things that Sally and Jim did yesterday, then match. 4. Give the right answers. 1b, 2b, 3a, 4c ? 5. look at the 1b, let the Ss draw happy faces or unhappy faces. 6. listen to the taps twice, first listen carefully, then let the Ss to listen carefully and write the right answers. Answer one by one ? ? Translate it into English ? ? ? ? ? ? Look at the screen carefully and match the words with the pictures. ? Listen to the tape carefully. Write the right answers. ? 媒體顯示4幅畫 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 媒體顯示 Step 3 Practice(5’) 1. Have a conversation to tell what Sally and Jim do? 2. What did Jim do? ? Jim went to the movies. 3. Let the Ss ask freely 4. Ask: What did the Ss do over the weekend? ex: practice The students practice in pairs ? ? ? Act out in pairs or groups. Answer the teacher’s questions Ask some pairs to the front to act out. ? Step 4 Summary 3’ Phrases: played the guitar. Did my homework. Studied geography. Went to the library. What did Jim do yesterday? Read and remember. ? Step 5 Test 1 見題后組1 D o some exercises. 多媒體展示 Step 6 consolidation Divide the students into several groups And let them make dialogues using these sentences: What did you do yesterday? How was your weekend? What did you do over the weekend? Write the dialogues and practice in groups. ? Step 7 拓展顯示 根據(jù)下列句子: 1. What did you do over the weekend? 2. How was your weekend? 考慮“昨天或周末你去了哪里?”用英語怎樣表達? 1. look at some sentences and think it over. 2. 討論/交流 3.總結(jié) 媒體展示 Step 8 Homework Grasp the new words and expression sentences. ?



    Unit 1? Wheres the post office? Language goal This unit students leam to ask for and give directions(方向) on the street. New language Is there a bank near here? Yes, theres a bank on Center Street, Wheres the supermarket? Its next to the library.Is there a pay phone in the neighbhood?Yes, its on Bridge Street on the right. locations in the neighborhood such as post office, hotel,video arcade. Descriptive words such as new, old, dirty, clean. Descriptions of location such as across from, next to,Between Recycled language What are you doing? Do you want to ...? Section A Ask two rows of three students each to stand facing each other in the front of the classroom. Point to students standing in front and ask the class to repeat the questions and answers. Example 1 Teacher: WheresYang Li? (Point to two students standing beside each other.) Yang Li is next to Li Peng. Example 2 Teacher: Wheres Zheng Wen? (Point to two students in different lines facing each other.)Zheng Wen is across from Sheng Lin. Example 3 Teacher: Wheres Lin Jiahui? (Point to one student standing between two other students.) Lin Jiahui is between Sheng Lin and Li Dai. la This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Focus attention on the picture. Ask students to name as many of the places they see in the picture as they can.Then name all the places and ask students to repeat. Point out the numbered list of words. Say each one and ask students to repeat. Then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures. Say, Write the letter of each place in the picture next to the correct word or words on the list. Point out the sample answer f.Check the answers. 1 b This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language. Point out the buildings and other locations in the picture. Say the name of each one to the class. Say, Now I will play recordings of three conversations. Listen carefully and circle the picture of each place you hear on the tape.. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This tine ask students to listen and circle the items they hear on the picture. Correct the answers. These items should be circle:video arcade, post office, supermarket. Tapescript(錄音稿) Convernation 1 A: Is there a video arcade on Fifth Avenue? B: Yes, there is. Conversation 2 A: Is there a post office near here? B: Yes, there is. Theres one on Bridge Street. Conversation 3 A: Is there a supermarket on Center Street? B: No, there isnt. 1 C This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Point to the different locations shown in the picture.Ask different students to name each one. If necessary,say the name and ask the student to repeat. Point to the question and answer In the example conversation and ask a pair of students to read the conversation to the class. Ask other pairs of students to repeat the activity if you wish. Ask students to work in pairs. Say, First one person asks a question and then the other person takes a turn. Demonstrate(示范) the activity. Point to the picture and ask. Is there a post office near here? Then choose a student to answer. Guide the student to say, Yes,theres a post office on Bridge Street. As students work, move around the room and check progress(進展情況). Help students understand how to locate things on the map, if necessary. Ask several students to say some of their questions and answers for the class. 教學后記: 教學方法有問題? 教了這么多年的英語,總幻想有一種方法,能讓學生輕輕松松把英語學好。哪怕自己多浪費點時間。有時想來,自己的教學效率實在是太低了,每天不分上課上自習,都是一個樣。也就是說在不誤課的情況下,我的教學時間應該是學校規(guī)定時間的兩倍,然而教學的效果卻很不理想。每天看著自己的隊伍步履蹣跚的前行,自己不由的懷疑自己的教學方法。 與此同時,這段時間由于我在學生每天記十個詞前,先領(lǐng)讀他們一遍,再分開音節(jié),講一講英語的拼讀規(guī)則,發(fā)現(xiàn)學生的記憶效率大大的提高,這更讓我有理由懷疑自己的教學方法是不是不適合學生的實際? 吃早飯時突發(fā)“奇想”,是不是給學生一點時間,讓他們把每單元幾句重點句背下來更好呢?單詞需要積累,這點勿容置疑。對于我們的學生來說,典型句子同樣需要積累。句子背下來,在用的時候就可以舉一反三,就像語文中背范文一樣。對于我們我們這些基礎(chǔ)較差的學生來說,他們在交際時需要模仿,在他們的記憶庫中貯存就是十必要的。當然,如果學生能夠在課堂上用英語去表達的"話,說明這些典型的句子他們已經(jīng)掌握。但現(xiàn)實的情況是,這種方法更容易適用于尖子生,或者基礎(chǔ)較好的學生,很多學生只是充當?shù)挠^眾。 讓學生死記硬背是不對的,但不讓學生背也是不對的。 2a This activity introduces the terms across from, next to, between, and on. Focus attention on the pictures. Ask students to talk about the pictures, naming as many places as they can.Then name all the places in the pictures and ask students to repeat. Point out the four sentences. Say each one and ask students to rcpeat. Then ask students to match each sentence with one of the pictures. Say, Eacb sentence talks about one of the pictures. Write the number of the sentence in the box on the picture that it is talking about. Point out the sample answer 1. Check ihc answers. 2b This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language. Point out the buildings and street names in la.Say each one and ask students to repeat. Call attention to the four sentences in 2b. Read them to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line. Say. Now I will play recordings of three conversations. Listen carefully and write a word from the box on each blank line. Point out the sample answer. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time ask students to fill in the blanks by listening to the items on the tape. Correct the answers. Tapescript(錄音稿) Conwaraation 1 A: Excuse me. Is there a library around here? B: Yes. Its between the video arcade and the supermarket. Conversation 2 A: Wheres the park? B: The park? Oh, its across from the bank. Conversation 3 A: Excuse me. Is there a supermarket around here? B; Yes, itson Fifth Avenue. Conversation 4 A: Wheres the pay phone? B: Its next to the post office. 2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Point to the list of buildings in la. Ask a student to read the list aloud. Point to the question and answer in the speech bubbles( 泡沫) in 2c and ask a pair of students to read the conversation to the class. Ask other pairs of students to repeat the activity if you wish. Ask students to work in pairs. Say, First one person asks a question and then the other person takes a turn. Ask about the buildings in 1a. Demonstrate(示范) the activity. Point to the map and ask,Wheres the park? Then choose a student to answer.Guide the student to say, Its across from the bank. As students work, move around the room and check progress.(進度) Ask several students to say some of their questions and answers for the class. Grammar focus Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions and answers. Ask students to circle these words in the grammar focus section of their books: on, across from, next to, and between. Ask, Which words talk about two different buildings? (across/row, next to, and between) Ask, Which one talks about one building all alone! (on) Culture note Many visitors to the United States believe that Americans dont like to answer questions or give directions(方向) to tourists(旅行者)and other visitors. This is not necessarily true. The pace of life is fast in the United States, especially(特別) in big cities. Most people walk quickly, talk quickly, and are in a hurry to get wherever they are going. Also, most Americans speak only one language and arent used to talking with speakers of other languages. However, when a visitor asks a question,many people are pleased to be able to share their knowledge of their city or their neighborhood. A pleasant smile and a short, direct question will almost always get you the information you need. 3a This









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