銀行信用怎么查詢|銀行回復信用查詢信函 中英文對照
Dear Sir, We are pleased to enclose credit information regarding the above,relative to which you inquire in your letter of March 25,1982. This is given to you in confidence and will,we trust serve your purpose. Very truly yours, We are informed: “Established:March 1945 to take over the business of Nichols Toy Co. President:Mr.Need han. Networth:Moderate five figure amount. Remarks:Bankers regard their experience as entirely satisfactory.Mr.Need han is understood to have experience in his line.” 中文對照 敬啟者: 同函奉上貴公司1982年3月25日來函所要查詢的有關上述的信用情報。這是秘密提供,敬請保密,相信這情報對貴公司能有所幫助。 ×××敬上 根據各方情報: 創設:1945年3月承接尼科爾斯玩具公司業務 負責人:尼德漢姆 公司凈值:普通五位數財產(指10,000~100,000美元) 結論:據往來銀行的看法,該公司經驗豐富,負責人尼德漢姆先生對此項業務駕輕就熟。