Gentlemen: Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry,HongKong,we have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us,in this market.We have been exporting and importing general merchandise of many years and can say that we have many satisfied customers and friends. We are enclosing herewith one of our price-lists for your examination.This is several weeks old and therefore the prices are not in line with today’s market.However,we are sending this so that you may acquaint yourselves with some of the items we handle.Due to lack of time and space,we have not been able to include all the commodities we can offer and we therefore ask that you make your inquiries for any items that do not appear on the list.We would also appreciate receiving details regarding the commodities we can offer and we are therefore certain that business can be consummated between us. If you are not interested in taking advantage of the offerings on the list,please be good enough to forward it to some of your friends or a firm,who may be interested in these items.With kindest regards,we remain. Yours very truly, 中文對照 敬啟者: 從香港工商會獲悉貴司名稱,知貴司擬在本市場與我進行交易。我司從事一般商品進出口業務已多年,在商界贏得眾顧客和朋友們的贊譽。 現隨函附寄我價格表一份,請參考。雖然此表已過時數周,其價格亦可能不適于當今市場,但我所以寄上此表是為了使貴司了解一下我司所經營的項目。由于時間和篇幅所限,我不能將所有可提供的商品全部列入表中,為此,貴司對表中未列項目感興趣,請發來詢函。如能收到貴方對我商品提出詳細要求,將不勝感激,確信你我雙方能圓滿地達成交易。 若貴方對我表中所列報價無興趣,亦請轉告對此感興趣的朋友或公司為盼。順致最良好的祝愿。 ×××敬上