今天是毛主席誕辰119周年紀念日。1893年12月26日,在湖南一個普通農民的家庭,誕生了一個新生命——他的名字叫毛 澤 東;中華民族,一個在風雨中飄搖的民族,迎來了一個新希望——他就是開國領袖毛 澤 東。是他,領導中國人民奮起抗爭,打敗了一個又一個侵略者;是他,領導中國人民努力奮斗,建立了一個全新的中國翻開中華民族的歷史,追尋一代偉人成長的足跡,至今,我們依然能夠感受到他“恰同學少年,風華正茂;書生意氣,揮斥方遒”的豪邁氣概,還有他“自信人生二百年,會當水擊三千里”的奔放情懷。
毛主席是中國人民的偉大領袖,他的一生,在眾多方面給我們留下了寶貴的財富。他在青少年時期對待學習的態度,也是我們學習的典范。勤奮、刻苦,是毛主席學習上的一貫表現。清晨,是他學習的開始,同學們尚未起床,他已經借著微www.is97.com 弱的晨光開始讀書了;課余時間,他總是處于一種學習狀態,或在自習室里看書,或在學校的后山上閱讀;喧鬧嘈雜的地方,也常有他的身影,那是他有意識地在鍛煉自己的意志,鬧中求靜,靜中求學。
A: Dear teacher, classmates Good morning everyone! The Foal Eagle radio stations now on the air. I *** with me today and broadcast *** classmates.
B: Hello, everybody, I ***. Today is December 26, and we all know what day it is? I also would like to ask you two questions: first, the the central Tiananmen Gate in Beijing hanging high above a huge picture of a great man, and you know who photographs Wei Who? Yes, he is Chairman Mao is revered by the people of Chairman Mao. Second question, on the the existing generic RMB banknotes printed on the avatar of a great man, you know who is it? Or Chairman Mao, is loved by the people of Chairman Mao.
Today is the 117 anniversary of Chairman Mao"s birthday. December 26, 1893, in Hunan, an ordinary peasant family, the birth of a new life - and his name is Mao Zedong; Chinese nation, a nation of sway in the wind and rain, ushered in a new hope - he is the founding leader Mao Zedong. He leadership to protest the Chinese people, one after another defeat invaders; him, led the Chinese people to strive to establish a brand new turn over the history of the Chinese nation to trace the footsteps of a great man to grow, so far, we still heroic spirit can feel him, "We Were Young, in their prime; scholar emotional huichi party", he was "confident life two centuries, when the water hit three thousand miles" unrestrained feelings.
Chairman Mao was a great leader of the Chinese people, and his life left a valuable asset to us in many aspects. His attitude towards learning at a young age, we learn a model. Diligence, hard work is the Chairman Mao learning consistent performance. Morning, the beginning of his learning, students have yet to get up, he has started reading through the dim morning light; spare time, he is always in a learning state, or reading a book in the self-study room, or in the school after the mountain The reading; very noisy place, often his shadow, it was he conscious exercise their own will, trouble and seeking quiet, static in school.
The spring of 1913, Chairman Mao to first place in the essay exam Hunan First Normal admission. "Seize the time, study hard," eight words, is the outstanding performance of Chairman Mao in the first Normal school. The South entrance of the school, a car to drive, the sound noisy place, of course, not for reading. Chairman Mao has often appeared here, in a cluttered environment in their own interests in reading, sometimes silently, sometimes recite and dedication, no one else. It turned out thathe was consciously exercise their reading attention. The dead of night, the good old days of Chairman Mao learning. When students fall asleep, he went to the corridor or stove room, sitting on the light reading. He has a small lamp homemade underneath a bamboo tube, sitting up in bed reading. Desire for knowledge, so he often forget the fatigue and sleep.
Good questions, is the Chairman Mao learning good habits. Pointless anecdotes, he is not interested in a variety of academic issues but keen to explore each other with classmates Qiecuozhuomo. He can list the learning of the doubt to the teacher for help. He said the students, we call someone learned, he better learn to ask, learn and ask can not be separated, only good to learn to ask people, it may be learned.
Take notes, write an essay on what they have learned, is Chairman Mao and learn a good habit. Own ideological or learning on helpful content reading, where he should be recorded, Note on their own thinking. A few years time, this kind of notebook and diary accumulated a large basket.
Read, the salient features of Chairman Mao. Everywhere will do everything possible to find books to read. He often went to the bookstore in the city and used book shop, see the right book to buy it. First Normal library is a place he frequented, where a collection of a lot of books on social sciences, he mostly seen.
Reading the newspaper, is another major feature of Chairman Mao. Newspaper reading room of the First Normal, Chairman Mao every day, a look that is an hour or two. He went often with a map, read the newspaper and checking the map, the city name in the newspaper written in English. He said it was threefold: to understand current events, familiar with the geography, to learn English. His classmates called "current affairs through. Very familiar with world affairs, he regularly and students together to analyze the situation in the world, published the revolutionary point of view, to discuss the responsibility of the younger generation. To facilitate the reading, he also live frugally, the monthly The Province out a money, itself a newspaper.
Not move the ink does not study the Chairman Mao learning. He read one of more than 100,000 words "Ethical Principles, comments on and outline of over 12,000 words written with a brush in lower case, dot, horizontal bar, parallel bars, red pen and black pen and book everywhere, triangle symbols, whitespace and line annotations and comments on. These annotations to express his views on ethics, philosophy of life, view of history and cosmology.
The students hope that Chairman Mao as a great man, read more books, will be reading, to make friends with a good book, do a knowledge;, as a great man Chairman Mao said, civilized spirit, robust physique, to do a comprehensive development of the people, do a socially useful.
A little progress every day, and every day better than yesterday toward Endeavour target best, adhere, adhere to, and then adhereto the inculcation of the elderly and stay to the removal of the crown of his life .
Today"s broadcast ends, students, goodbye!