規則:整個聯歡活動一開始大家就已經圍成一個圈,這個游戲開始的時候,由主持人選擇一個開頭的人說出第一個成語,然后一個接一個的順時針順序接下去,說出來的成語要是上一個人的成語最后一個字當第一個字,(比如我說四喜發財,你就要說出一個以財開頭的成語,比如財大氣粗,然后就是以粗開頭如此類推 )誰在10秒或者20秒鐘內沒說出來,就受懲罰
Idioms Solitaire game
Rules: The entire gathering beginning has been surrounded by a circle, this game at the beginning of the beginning of a selected by the moderator say the first idioms, and then one by one clockwise order next speak out if the last word on a person"s idiom idiom when the first word (for example, I said Sixi fortune, you have to say the one to the the fiscal beginning of the idiom, such as the deep pockets, then that is rough at the beginning and so on) who in 10 seconds or 20 seconds, did not say it, in relation to the punishment
Punishment: Rao lap rerun the process, the host will say a few instructions would be punished who should do it in accordance with the instructions, such as the host will say stop, you have to stop, said school dogs barking you have to bark like a dog, learning the zombie walk you will learn the zombie walk