q: are there any issues from your personal life that might potentially have an impact on your professional career?
a: i’m always careful to separate my personal life from my professional life. i believe its important to remain objective when treating patient s. a therapist should always be able to take an emotional step back in order to make an unbiased assessment of a patient. it only hurts the patient when you try to project your own issues and feelings onto that patient.
q: when have your skills in diplomacy been put to the test?
a: a customer came in once and demanded money back for an evening dress that had apparently been worn. she claimed it was a different color after dry cleaning and that the cleaner said the fabric was faulty. i quickly told her wed happily return her money, even though i didn’t think she was being honest. i decided it was more important to keep other customers from hearing her and maybe doubting our high quality merchandise.
q: tell me about a time you had to extend a deadline.
a: two weeks into a job, it was clear that our client expected us to add more features as we went along. i renegotiated with the client, outlined his goals, and showed him a price structure similar to a menu, from which he could choose more features at a higher cost and in a longer time frame. he opted for something in the middle that he understood would cause a three week adjustment to the schedule.
q: what personal skill or work habit have you struggled to improve?
a: i had to learn to say no. i used to be helpful to the point that other staff abused my goodwill. now i offer to help by countering with something id like help on in return. on balance i believe the tradeoff is more equi!----, and cooperation in our office has improved over time.
答:我放一本好的字典在桌上,我也會放一本struck and white,這是一本好的參考書,能查找高中或大學里學過但又忘掉的語法知識,或者在遇到特別困難的情形也可使用。招聘者可能有興趣判定你對你的職業有多重視。一本好字典和好的參考書對于一個從事寫作的人來說是手頭必備書,你可能也會把喜愛的小說放到桌上。
q: what books do you keep on your desk?
a: i keep a good dictionary on my desk. i also keep struck and white, which is a good reference for looking up all the grammar rules that you learned in high school and college but forgot, or for particularly difficult situations.
q: would you be willing to relocate to another city?
a: i’d prefer to be based here, but its certainly possibility i’d be willing to consider.
q: does the frequent travel required for this work fit into your lifestyle?
a: the frequent travel in this consulting position is no problem for me or my family. my wife is an airline flight attendant, so neither of us follows the typical nine to five routine.
q: what color is your brain?
a: my brain is red because i’m always hot. i’m always on fire with new plans and ideas.
q: if you got on an elevator where everyone was facing the back, what would you do?
a: i think i’d face the front anyway and say aloud, “its really much more comfor!---- facing forward, you know. ”
q: consider the following scene: you’re working late one evening and are the last personin the office. you answer an urgent telephone call to your supervisor from a sales rep whos currently meeting with a potential client. the sales rep needs an answer to a question to close the sale. tomorrow will be too late. you have the expertise to answer the question, but its beyond your normal level of authority. how would you respond?
a: id get all the pertinent information, taking welldocumented notes. id then answer the question based on my knowledge and the information provided. id leave my supervisor a note and fill him or her in on the details then next morning. id be sure to explain my decision, as well as the thought process behind it.